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Expanding the previously developed teen-SPARC Excel tool
During NEEMA 1.0, we developed teen-SPARC, an Excel tool designed to help public health jurisdictions and other entities explore the potential impact of behavior change on reducing sexually transmitted infections (STIs) among the sexually active high-school-attending adolescent population. This tool has been parameterized by default using national data, but is designed to be tailored to other jurisdictions, particularly those that participate in YRBSS. Recent dissemination activities include a well-attended webinar and a case study paper under review demonstrating the use of this tool and its possible applications.
We propose additional activities to enhance the uptake and use of teen-SPARC. In Year 1, we will work to build the teen-SPARC user community in multiple ways. We will begin by adding user registration and visitation/download metrics to the teen-SPARC website that allow for us to monitor usage. We will reach out to all webinar attendees to determine ongoing usage and identify means to support that usage. We will develop a user listserv that provides a discussion forum for users. We will present at multiple conferences, through workshops and/or scientific presentation sessions. Throughout, we will query current and potential users about features to improve or add to teen-SPARC. We will summarize progress on all steps in an end-of-year report to CDC. All of these steps will feed into our efforts to expand and enhance teen-SPARC in Y2.