Modeling the Cost-effectiveness of Interventions to Eliminate Tuberculosis in Four States

Modeling the Cost-effectiveness of Interventions to Eliminate Tuberculosis in Four States

Presented at the 49th Union World Conference on Lung Health 2018
The primary purpose of this project is to evaluate the costs and cost-effectiveness of Targeted testing and treatment (TTT) for latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI) in California, Florida, New York, and Texas. Using previously developed TB transmission models, we estimated the numbers of individuals who would be tested by interferon-? release assay and would subsequently complete 3 months of directly observed LTBI treatment with rifapentine and isoniazid, assuming ambitious scale-up over one year to each of many target populations. For each target population, we projected costs (in 2016 dollars) and effectiveness (reduction in TB incidence over a ten-year period). We then used these projections to estimate, from the healthcare perspective, the incremental cost-effectiveness (cost per quality-adjusted-life-year [QALY] gained) associated with TTT of each key population by state. 

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This work is supported by The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [Grant # 1 1 NU38PS004650]
