Costing State-Level TB Interventions

Costing State-Level TB Interventions

The primary purpose of this project is to evaluate the costs of two TB interventions: (1) Targeted testing and treatment (2) Extended contact investigation -- in each of the 50 states.  Building on our model of state-level heterogeneity in TB across key populations, we will compile various cost and QALY input data sources, conduct sensitivity analyses and produce state- and population-specific estimates of the TB intervention costs and cost-effectiveness, thus enabling them to make better decisions about the appropriate direction of resources at the state level. Our results will be integrated into an interactive web tool that will be made publicly available to decision-makers in all jurisdictions and supported with plain language summaries and simple user guides.

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This work is supported by The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [Grant # 1 1 NU38PS004650]
